Thursday, May 17, 2007

God, iPod, and Microsoft

I recently stumbled on this video parody of the Microsoft version of iPod. It is funny in its own right, and I've seen millions of "If Microsoft made..." kind of writings. When I viewed this one though, something struck a chord with me. Its the difference between simplicity, elegance, excellence, and "overdone".

This made me think of church outreach, evangelism, and of worship. We often talk about how the message itself is fundamental, but the means of communicating the message are changing and changeable.

But it certainly is possible to overdo the message and create a lot of distracting "noise" that diverts people away the fundamental message.

Maybe this is an offshoot of the KISS principle (Keep it Simple, Stupid). Its easy to create fancy bells and whistles in our message and in our worship, but sometimes simplicity, elegance, and pure excellence is the most effective way.

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