Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I've been following the series at Church Marketing Sucks on Lessons in Not Sucking. In the Common Communication Mistakes lesson they refer to "church-iberish" and refer to this Dunkin Donuts commercial.

I've used the word "church speak" before; I kind of like "church-iberish". I tend to notice it because I do worship visuals at our church and come across some good ones in hymns ("unction", anyone?).

I love the expressions on the customers' faces in this video. I can imagine them as visitors to our church and saying "My mind can't find these words".

I also do our church's web site. I came across an article about Church speak and mission statements at digital.leadnet.org. We've had several discussions about mission statements, and this article hits close to home for me.

I'm pondering what to do about our web site. I know I can (and should) do better, but it's one thing to recognize it, and another to deal with it from a church-wide viewpoint recognizing the needs of a visitor.