Thursday, September 6, 2007

Spiritual Mileage

As a new Prius owner for the past couple of months, I've been paying close attention to my mileage. I've been getting between 47 and 52 MPG for my first few tanks.

There's even a website where you can track your mileage and display it as an internet "badge"

After I filled up for the first time, I was going to post here how happy I was with my mileage. However, that got postponed, and then the second tank came and went, and then the third tank.

I then had to come to the grim realization that I just haven't posted here much. It occurred to me while my car's mileage is great, my "spiritual mileage" is about as low as it can get.

Like with the GreenHybrid link above, it would be interesting to track the ups and downs of my spiritual mileage on a chart. I have had periods of high mileage; right now its kind of low.

I can recognize it - I'm burned out. Even the smallest of tasks, like putting new information up on the church's web site, becomes a huge burden. I haven't really had a "Sunday off" in about 20 months, and it's very lonely as the web and media volunteer at our typical "aging demographic" Lutheran church.

I've been following a few online chat forums for Prius owners. Some owners are pretty enthusiastic about finding the best techniques for getting the highest possible gas mileage. What I need to to is figure out good techniques for increasing my spiritual mileage. I find great comfort and nourishment in the many online blogs I follow; that helps for sure. But for today, I think I'm just a bit "out of gas".