Technology in Worship: Pixel or Perish
I found an article in the Arizona Republic recently titled "Technology Advocate tells Pastors: Pixel or Perish". I found the original online article here.
I don't think I found anything incredibly new or exciting here, but I wanted to share it.
I think the one part that stood out for me is this quote:
"People under 50 don't remember what they hear," he said. "They remember what they see. If you look at a church that's dying, they have nothing for the eye."
I'm really interested in use of worship visuals to aid in making a connection between worship and personal discipleship. I think the visual aspect is a key element to worship.
Here's an interesting warning though:
"But if screens in churches have become ubiquitous, too many use them to project sermon notes or song lyrics...That becomes so deadly...Why put more words on the screen? The human brain needs access to a lot of information and can handle it. Action, movement, makes it more dimensional."
There's definitely a fine line between too-little and too-much.